Here in California, our so-called Republican governor is really being sucked in by our far-left legislature.
Governor to Sign 'Hang-Up-and-Drive' BillThis is so absolutely asinine that it is difficult to comment on without pounding my keyboard into submission.
We already have a law in this state (like all other states) against reckless driving. If (for whatever reason) your driving is out of control and endangering fellow motorists, you are subject to a fine. There is no need to create a new piece of legislation that singles out cell phone usage.
I have driven past people on the freeway with a newspaper spread across the steering wheel and a coffee in hand. I have even seen people watching tv while behind the wheel. I have seen big dogs sitting in driver's laps. However, none of these behaviors are being singled out as criminal.
I know that I have used this forum many times to bitch about the ridiculous places that people use their cell phones. If someone is driving recklessly while talking on their phone, I believe they should be ticketed. However, we do not need a law that singles out one specific behavior while ignoring other dangerous behavior.