Monday, April 24, 2006

Where have I been?

The answer to that question is nowhere.

I cannot fathom the anguish that the throngs of you who check this blog daily must be feeling over my lack of recent commentary. I hope that you will accept my sincerest apologies. Long hours at the office and house painting have drained my creative juices to an all time low.

Keep that faith! I shall return soon.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Paint the House

I've been painting again. Not some fabulous works of art but painting the interior walls of my fashionable east side condo. My home has been a cornucopia of color over the past 4 years with each room having it's own flavor and personality. Unfortunately, with the addition of new wood flooring and carpet those personalities stopped getting along as well as they used to.

My Epic Blue, Green Tea, Ice Gray, Ripe Peach, Red, Bridgewater Blue, and Bone are now faded memories. They have been replaced with muted, earth-tone and more modern colors. Maybe it's not as exciting as it was once was, but it does give a slightly more upscale and elegant feel to the place. It also give a deeper sense of unity. Instead of each room battling it out for attention, they are now all working together to provide a harmonious and relaxing experience for all those who enter the gates of my mini-Graceland.

Look out Orange County, there's new paint in town!

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Shit Sundae?

Preston Taylor Holmes pulls no punches in his latest column over on Six Meat Buffet.

Get to the doctor! Quickly!

Funny headline:

New Red, Blue Rings Found Around Uranus

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Turn-out Much Smaller Than Anticipated..

Well, the big Costa Mesa illegal alien rally seemed to be a bust. While they were expecting 5000, only an estimated 1200 showed up. It seemed that a little rain kept these passionate 'freedom fighters' at home. The OC Register blamed the small crowd on the 'morning downpour'. This morning downpour was an actually an extremely light drizzle. Perhaps their movement isn't as popular as we would be led to believe?

The most upsetting part of the whole demonstration was the fact that public safety was brushed aside in a effort to give these clowns a place to gather and chant. The police station and fire station are directly behind city hall. However, the entire intersection was barricaded in all three directions. If there had been a police or fire emergency, a few extra minutes would had to have been taken in order to clear the crowd and remove the barricades so that the emergency vehicles could get by. Hasn't the mantra always been that seconds save lives? The lives of legal, tax-paying Costa Mesa citizens are apparently nowhere near as important as the ones of those here illegally.

My neighbor remarked the other day that if "they weren't here, all of southern California would shut down". Is that not the most ridiculously stupid thing you have ever heard? It is that kind of misinformed and defeatist attitude that exacerbates this growing threat to the American way of life.