Monday, September 04, 2006

Kids in Chaos

Boy, this really takes the cake:

Teachers Urged to Tolerate Swearing

My favorite:

"..teachers need to learn to interpret their students’ body language. When a student is visibly agitated, the teacher might not want to push any buttons by asking if he or she brought in homework that day."

So.. what's your "f--- you" meter?


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly why I teach at the college level! They don't tolerate disruptive or aggressive behavior at all, not one bit.

In fact, one the first day of class I tell students that if they don't like the class to get out.

This is one thing that high school teachers definitely cannot do.

And, this is one thing that definitely helps minimize the risk of having a frustration-spurred cuss-fest later on in the semester.


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