Wednesday, May 09, 2007

John Adolf Edwards

As usual, a Democrat wants to silence those with whom they have disagreement:

Edwards Blasts Coulter
"Her outrageous comments are inexcusable and should not be tolerated in the public dialogue."

Inexcusable? Should not be tolerated?

Can it be any more clear what's in the heart of these people? Hillary wants to steal the profits from oil companies and John Edwards wants to put the kibosh on anyone whose speech his finds offensive. Which Democrat contender is next to open their mouth and show his or her true feelings?


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From that quote you gleaned that Edwards is advocating state action to silence Ann Coulter and others expressing similar political viewpoints in violation of the 1st Amendment?

Wow! Where can I get some of those magic reading glasses?

At 11:59 AM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

What is your inference then?

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"should not be tolerated in public dialogue"

It seems clear to me, especially considering comments made after her "faggot" remark a couple months back, that Edwards is decrying the general coarsening of our public discourse, to which pundits on BOTH sides have contributed. His proposed solution, to not "tolerate" this stuff, seems to be a call for the participants in public discourse [read: MSM, pundits] to show better judgment and raise the bar the "intelligent-o-meter", if you will.

We all see this. Political programming, be it TV or radio, is less "Meet the Press" and more "Crossfire"-ish. That benefits no one but the I-am-louder-and-more-outrageous-than-you speakers.

Granted, this relatively short quote from Edwards doesn't say all that, but he's talked about the tone of discourse before.

FWIW, I'm not drinking the Edwards Kool Aid. While I think he's a decent person, that moment in the '04 VP debate where he inserted Cheney's daughter's sexuality into an answer on a gay marriage question was pretty crappy, IMO.


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