Thursday, September 07, 2006

The "Path to 911" Movie

Boy! These "free-speech" liberals and Democrats don't give a damn about free speech if you have a viewpoint with which they do not agree.

President Sorepecker Isn't Happy

Can You Believe This?

Michael Moore's fiction doesn't bother them. The slanderous Ronald Reagan movie didn't bother them. Howard 'The Scream' Dean calling President Bush every name in the book doesn't bother them. But if a movie dare holds President Sorepecker's feet to the fire over his administration's failures, then all hell shall break loose.


At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feeling threatened by an ABC mini-series is indeed pretty silly. Network TV min-series are, as a rule, pretty poor, IMO.

Does ABC's producing and airing such a piece subvert the notion of a "liberal bias" in the mainstream media? To my mind, the notion of such a bias seems less plausible all the time.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it is "bent" Sorepecker..


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