Friday, December 16, 2005

Keep Your Butt Out of My Face

There are few things that bug me more than some fool throwing his or her cigarette butt out of their car window.

I do not smoke but I have no problem with those that do and I'll continue to defend their right to do so. However, my patience begins to wear very thin when I continually see this occur (as if a cigarette butt isn't real litter).

Smokers be warned. If you keep throwing your damn butts out the window, I will be forced to turn against you. Think about it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Bonus Pay For The Saints

The NFL is giving $40,000 bonuses to all players on the New Orleans Saints as compensation for their great suffering due to hurricane Katrina. These poor millionaire football players had to play all their games on the road this year because of damage to the Super Dome.

Bless their hearts. $40,000 hardly seems fitting for enduring such great emotional trauma and stress. I hope that this small token of appreciation somehow eases their pain.

The NFL should be giving $40,000 to every fan of the New Orleans Saints for having to endure 4 decades of horrible football.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- New Orleans Saints players will get a $40,000 bonus from the NFL and the NFL Players Association for "performing under unusual and unanticipated conditions arising from the Hurricane Katrina tragedy."

The bonus applies to every Saints player who has been on the roster for the entire season, including inactive players, practice squad members and those on injured reserve, the team said Wednesday in a statement. Players on the roster for less than the full season will receive $2,350 for each week on the roster.

The payments will be funded using the performance-based pay system normally geared to playing time and salary, which is part of the NFL collective bargaining agreement.

Following Hurricane Katrina in August, the Saints moved to San Antonio and have played most of their home games in the Alamodome and Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Lori's Christmas Party

Saturday night, I attended the 4th annual Christmas Gala at Lori's House. Here are a couple of pictures.


Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Joy of Christmas

Ahhhh.. Christmas!

Christmas time is here. The air is nice and crisp, the Christmas Jazz CD is in regular rotation at my home and the enlightened non-Christians are busy telling us what Christmas is "really all about" and what it "really means".

In my very best non-Christmas way, I ask you to please SHUT THE F*#% UP!!!

I'm TinyElvis and I approve this message.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

No Focus and No Creativity

My blog postings have gotten really generic and boring. It is almost as if the part of my brain that controls my ability to write witty and inspired paragraphs has taken a vacation (perhaps it's trying to get the rest of me to come along for the ride).

It doesn't help matters that my girlfriend teaches writing/composition at a local college. I never know when my writing might fall under her strict scrutiny. Not that she would ever "grade" my posts, but I still feel compelled to impress her with everything I do.

I suppose that is just the nature of the male. Much like apes in the jungle pounding their chests or a peacock spreading it's ass-feathers (I don't know the technical term), all we men want is a little recognition from the women who love us. Jaclyn does a very good job at continually making me feel needed and important. Bless her heart.

Should I just continue to rattle on and on about the excruciating minutia of every day life, or should I only post when I have something interesting to say? Lately it's been the latter because I have been unable to even relate those daily observations in an entertaining manner.

Sigh. The tortured soul of the creative.

As you were.