Saturday, February 24, 2007


I like to play golf. Oh, I'm not very good at it but I still enjoy it. The last month or so has become a bit of a golf obsession as someone here at the office has gotten me back into it. Several times a week we go to the driving range at lunch or after work. He even went so far as to buy a nice digital video camera which has a special setting for golf swings (pretty cool, huh?). So we set the camera up, record our practice sessions, and then analyze our swings.

As an educational tool, it has proven to be invaluable. Watching your swing from different angles in crystal-clear slow motion really helps to identify your technical flaws. With patience and practice we both have become better golfers.. at the range.

Something truly unique happens when you actually get onto the course. Everything you've learned, the film study, and the practicing proves to be futile . Your mind goes blank and to no avail can you seem to recreate that fluid, effortless motion you have at the driving range. Those high arching shots with a slight draw turn into blistering grounders. Those beautiful 30 yard pitch shots become line drive fastballs that fall well out of bounds. But then you have that one shot.. that one beauty that even Tiger Woods would envy that keeps you coming back for more.

Golf: THE sport for those who are gluttons for punishment.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Noise, Noise, Noise

My upstairs neighbor loves to wash his clothes late at night. Does it not occur to anyone but me that a washing machine (with all of it's water running and draining) is quite loud?

Perhaps a little 5:00am guitar practice is in order...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Blood Will Now Be on Their Hands

Republicans Who Voted for Defeat

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Anonymous Misses Me

Awwww, I've been missed. How sweet:

You haven't posted had a new post for a long time. Where have you been?? Vacationing in beautiful Arizona with the minutemen???

I feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

One can only assume that our Anonymous friend loves having his or her country overrun by criminals. Perhaps he or she should consider moving to some crime-ridden neighborhood of Los Angeles where gangs consisting of illegals from south-of-the-border run rampant. Tell 'em that you're with them in their stuggle. Or maybe he or she could visit the Los Angeles county jails which are stuffed with these fine folks. Let them know that you're out there fighting for them.