Congress are a bunch of spineless cowards. When a very small percentage of the population (most of whom are ineligible to vote because they are too young or too illegal) can sway Congress' ability to make sound judgements, we have a serious problem. Somewhere over the past few days, we have gone from the potential of being charged with a felony for being in the country illegally to once again being the possible beneficiary of a guest-worker program.
For weeks, Spanish-speaking media in the United States have been organizing these protest rallys we have seen over the past few days. These responsible organizations have encouraged students to skip class and take to the streets to fight for their family's freedom. The formerly broad line between being a legal immigrant and an illegal alien has been successfully blurred and obfuscated by those with an agenda that favors everyone but the citizens of the United States (or so they think).
What would happen if a guest-worker program was inacted and the border remained as loosely guarded as it is now? It's simple economics. First off, the illegal alien workforce would become more diluted and drive down their already low earning potential. Secondly, the guest-workers would not be able to find work because those companies already breaking the law will probably continue to break the law and higher illegal aliens. If CEO John Doe has a history of hiring illegals and now has the choice of hiring a guest-worker that he will have to pay at least minium wage plus social security taxes or picking from a pool of illegals, who do you think he will pick?
All these people are doing is turning the majority of American citizens against them. Their ranting and raving will only cause more of us to begin to look negatively on ANY kind of immigration (including legal) from the southern border.