A Night at the Knots Berry, Part II
"Look forward keeping head pressed against headrest during the entire ride, and firmly grasp the handrail". That is what the sign side (or something to that effect). So basically you are telling me that if I do not follow those exact rules, I am risking serious injury or even death?! Hey, let's wait in line and get on board!
As our story continues, our hero (me) gets his wobbly legs back under him and heads toward Montezooma's Revenge. Ok, we didn't go straight to the "Revenge". Jaclyn and I detoured for a $5 corndog (which came with a bag of Lays.. reminds me of a high-school cafeteria lunch) while (good) Doug and Lori rode the "Screaming Drop of Death" (I cannot remember the exact name).
The line to Montezooma's Revenge was much shorter. Apparently it's not as popular as the Ghost Rider or everyone else knows something we don't. We board this one pretty quickly, I obey the rules on the sign and proceed to put a kung-fu death grip on the handrail while pressing my head against the hard rubber headrest.
After the ride operator mumbles some incoherrent jibberish into his state-of-the-art sound system, we blast off! As fate would have it, my eyes immediately shut tight. Since this is not a wooden coaster, the ride is somewhat smoother.
Montezooma's Revenge is a different type of roller coaster. You start-off by being thrust forward (very quickly) along the track, go through a loop, and then jet straight up towards the sky. When you reach the pinnacle, you roll backwards and do the whole thing over again.
It was at this pinnacle I decided to take a peek. I open my eyes and see nothing but black sky. Assuming I was a dead man, I closed them again and "bravely" finish the ride.
Many of the rides snap photos at some point during it's operation. This affords you the opportunity to purchase a picture of yourself with your eyes closed for the bargain price of $11. I passed.