Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Night at the Knots Berry

Well, it seemed harmless. Besides, Jaclyn really likes wooden roller coasters. "Oh, me too!" I reply and proceed to relate a story about the infamous wooden coaster of Libertyland fame: the Pippin (actually, I am not sure if I told the story or just went over it in my head). Along with our thrill-seeking companions Lori and (good) Doug, we wait out the thirty minute line on this chilly February evening to board the "world-famous" Ghost Rider at Knot's Berry Farm.

I had not been on a roller coaster in a few years, but I do remember really enjoying them. The wooden coasters are especially exhilirating. The clickety-clack of the car moving along the rails, the hard turns, the quick dips..

We bravely get in the queue for the front car. When I found a dollar in the floor as I climbed aboard, I assumed that God was smiling on down on me.. telling me "hey little buddy, this one's on me".

The row of tiny, tin death traps pulled out from the station made the first turn and then begain it's steep ascent to the top. "Hey, nice view" I thought to myself. I looked around at my friends and my girlfriend. We were all smiles. The Ghost Rider! Woo! And then we arrived at the top. My glee was quickly replaced with sheer terror as we made the what seemed like 80 degree plunge back down to "the OC". I grabbed on for dear life, closed my eyes, buried my head in my sweater and rode it out. All the while, I can hear Lori laughing like some demon-possessed spawn of Satan over my right shoulder.

After 2 minutes of fury, our ride came to an end. We had to stop short (not that Mr. Costanza!) of the station house. Why? Vomit was being cleaned from the last car in front of us. Apparently I was not the only one who felt the Ghost Rider was a little too much to bear. I can take pride in the fact that I manged to keep my Trader Joe's BBQ Chicken pizza down in my stomach where it belonged.

Stayed tuned for Montezooma's Revenge... or, "How I Managed to go to Knot's Berry Farm but Miss it all Because My Eyes Were Closed the Whole Time".


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, does me heart good to know you enjoyed yourself.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once, I got stuck in/on Space Mountain...


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