Your World With Tiny Elvis
Monday, February 27, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Roasted Penis
Not officially roasted, but it sounded like a good title.
Nuke it!
It's almost like the beginning of a joke:
"A man walks into a convenience store carrying a penis in a paper towel..."
I love this quote:
"It's just the nature of the beast."
What is? A penis getting microwaved in this town? Or, was he referring to the penis itself as the "beast"?
The story did state that it came "tumbling" out of the microwave when the door was opened. That does sound rather beast-like. If the penis wasn't the beast, how could it have possibly tumbled? I've heard of tumbling tumbleweeds, but never a tumbling penis. Oh well...
Nature calls. I've gotta take the "beast" to the restroom. Have a pleasant Friday.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I'm Confused Again
President Bush and company are catching hell for the sea port fiasco.
While I agree that the criticism is warranted, I cannot help but wonder why the American people (especially the Democrats) are not giving him a big 'ol pat on the back. Isn't he simply following the lead of former Vice-President Algore by trying to strengthen the bond between the United States and the Middle Eastern countries? I would think that he (the President) would be commended for adhering to the policies of our truly elected President by widening "the channels of friendship and mutual understanding".
Will someone please enlighten me on this seemingly odd twist of public reaction?
New Headshots
The headshots of my cast of characters are getting old so I will be updating them over the next few days (don't let me forget).
The first update belongs to Jaclyn. Click the link to your right and enjoy a fresh shot of her smiling face.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Gas Is Not Expensive Enough
How out of touch is this guy?
Arnold Wants To Fight Warming in Cow-Wee-Fornia
For the record, I did not vote for this character. I voted for an actual Republican, state Senator Tom McClintock.
Happy birthday to me.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Benedict Algore
This is pretty strange talk from someone who once wrote that the internal combustion engine is the greatest enemy to mankind and the environment, then expressed his desire to rid the world of these evil machines.
I would think that someone who so hates the internal combusion engine would also despise the great purveyors of the blood that gives the engine it's life. Apparently, I am incorrect. Algore simply hates the United States.
America is bad, bad, bad!
Can you believe that half of our country voted for this treasonous fool? Even Benedict Arnold would be embarrassed.
Friday, February 10, 2006
The Irony of Bottled Water
Finally a news story that backs up when I've been saying for years (it usually takes a while for the world to catch up to me. :-) )
Bottled Water Taxing the World's Ecosystem
The irony rests in the fact that it usually it's some "eco-friendly" liberal sucking down their damn bottled water without giving a second thought to the fact that it uses energy to make the bottles, burns oil to transport the bottled water, and uses landfill space when they get tossed in the trash.
In the United States, we have the luxury of having some of the cleanest water in all the world coming right from the tap and some people still insist on wasting their hard-earned dollars on bottled water.
It makes about as much sense as buying pet food.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Worn Out
I wish that I had something really insightful to say, but I don't. Many deep and insightful thoughts are swimming in my head but any attempt to put them to keyboard would be pointless right now.
In the meantime, go listen to the new Ryan Adams:
Have a pleasant evening.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Iraq Update
Here's an interesting perspective on Iraq:
Facts vs Fiction: A Report From the Front
I know that it's probably not as important as Bob Woodruff's injury, but please try and indulge yourself with a little backpage news.