8 Years

2920 days.
As of today, that is how long I have lived in California. It's my anniversary.
When I left Memphis in 1997, I didn't know what to expect with my move. I was really on the fence about it until a friend gave me this sage advice: "Just try it. Give it a year. If you don't like it, you can always move back. I'll still be here.".
Well I certainly have tried it. To the tune of nearly a decade. Looking back, it was quite a ballsy move for a 26 year old. I didn't feel so young at that time, but now 26 certainly sounds like a mere child. It never was my idea to move. A close friend of mine (at the time) was a wanna-be actor (as was I). He used to always suggest that we move to Calfornia and become famous. We were two of the best actors at the acting school we attended so we should just knock 'em dead once we get to California (yeah right).
This went on for several months and then fate intervened. The company where I worked was closing it's doors. I looked online for jobs in southern California and saw an ad for a company called StarBase. What the hell, I thought. It can't hurt to send a resume. A couple of weeks later, I was on a plane to Orange County for an interview. 4 weeks later, I had moved. 4 months later, my friend joined me and as you have probably guessed at this point, neither of us are famous actors. Oh he gave it a good shot. As for me, I was too busy with work. Besides, acting just wasn't my passion (even though I was pretty good).
In the 8 years that I have lived here, I have gone from computer programmer to part-owner of my own business. I have played in 4 bands. I have had two girlfriends. I have been sued. I purchased a condo. I have been to Vegas 4 times. I have made friends and lost friends. I have been to 6 weddings. I have learned to golf. I have fallen in love. I have had my heart broken. I have learned to like sushi.
I haven't learned how to surf. I haven't been skiing. I never go to Hollywood. I've only gotten in the ocean once. Not that I really want to do any of these things but I figured I had to mention them.
All in all, I suppose that it has been a good 8 years. Of course there have been ups and downs, but this is the path life has lead me down and I have tried to make the most of it. For the most part, I feel that I have done a pretty good job.
8 years from now, I will be 42. If the next 8 years go by like these have, it will be here in the blink of an eye.
I'd better get busy.