Monday, December 04, 2006

Singing For Your Supper

Some sing sing for their supper, others rap to pay littering fines.

In Tempe Arizona, a police officer had two black men rap to avoid a ticket for littering. Unfortunately, this has outraged the NAALCP and, of course, the city has issued an apology.

Rap Away That Ticket, Yo!

Even though the two men in question were laughing afterwards, so feared is the wrath of the NAALCP that the city still apologized, begged for mercy and promised to expand their diversity training program.

Earlier this year I was issued a speeding ticket. I wear western shirts and have big sideburns. Personally, I would have loved for the officer to have noticed this and asked me to sing a country song instead of paying the $250 ticket and spending a Saturday at traffic school.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Darrell C said...

I think I'd rather hear you bust a rap...

Call u bustaelvis...

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I wear western shirts and have big sideburns."

Were you pulled over by the fashion police?

At 7:36 AM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

"Were you pulled over by the fashion police?"

Comedy gold.


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