Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Shorty Wants to Kill Us All

Interesting read..

Iran Preparing Another Holocaust

I wonder how our new Democrat-heroes in Congress will respond to this threat? My guess is (like Iraq), they would agree that it's a threat and then when things don't go as smoothly as they would like, they would deny they ever agreed to such an action, beat their chests, and call the President a liar.

In reality, the Dems will go about it as usual. They will ignore any threats and try to make nice with everyone. Oh, we ALL know that they only reason the terrorists want to kill us is because of the evil Republicans right? If we are just a bit nicer to them, the world will be at peace (just like Clinton declared). Besides, they can't worry themselves with things like international threats. They have their socialist agenda to worry about: raising minium wage, raising taxes, destroying the health care industy, and welcoming illegals aliens with open arms.

The fools.

However, it's our fault. We elect a leader who cannot clearly convey to the American people the differences between Converservative principals and the socialist agenda of those on the left. We elect Republicans more interested in meeting people in the center instead of standing on principals.


At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you're entirely too young to be this bitter.

Relax, everything will be fine. It's up to the Commander in Chief to deal with threats, so railing against the Dems is sort of pointless. Unless you're banging the drum for the '08 election already. The only power the Dems have over any war effort is to cut funding, and that's not going to happen, for any of a host of reasons.

In wading throught the sarcasm, I get the impression that you believe diplomatic efforts in central Asia to be a fools' errand. And there's an argument for that position, true. But you've got to admit that 3 years into the Iraq fiasco, there's a pretty damn good argument against the military-over-dipolomacy position as well.

At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also: comparing something or someone to the Nazis doesn't necessarily make it so. To wit - Dick Durbin's gaffe a year or so ago. It's become a cheap go-to political metaphor for anyone who wants to demonize a foe.

Don't get me wrong - there's plentey to be alarmed about with Iran, but can we all agree to cut it out with the Nazi comparisons?

At 1:19 PM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

Yes, that's me. Bitter. Bitter 'ol Tiny Elvis.

So everyone go away now. I've got some batter to butter. I need to buy a bit of butter to make my bitter batter better.

At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? I slit the sheets. The sheets I slit and on the slitted sheets I sit!

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tiny:

Longtime jayfarrar.net boarder here, loved your stuff over there. At any rate, have you heard Gob Iron? Any thoughts?

Keep up the good work.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

"At any rate, have you heard Gob Iron? Any thoughts?"

I am not paying much attention to Mr Farrar these days so I really don't have an opinion on it.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this your territory?


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