Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death

Has everyone seen the video of Saddam's death sentence?

Of course the European Union is decrying his punishment.

"The EU opposes capital punishment in all cases and under all circumstances, and it should not be carried out in this case either," Finland, current holder of the rotating EU presidency, said in a statement."

How can you take these people seriously? I'm sure they're still angry with the US for forcing Hitler to blow his brains out in a bunker.

I can't wait to watch the Democratic party leaders join in the condemnation as well as they can't bear to see one their own swinging from a rope.


At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saddam is a member of the now-outlawed Baath Party. I didn't know he was once a Democrat. Live and learn...

At 9:52 PM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

He's a Democrat icon. I thought everyone knew that. Haven't you listened to Uncle Teddy and Howard 'the scream' Dean?

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new anonymous here...
First of all, however wicked you may believe the Dems are, the American public has spoken, good sir.

As for Saddam, wasn't it a Republican administration that helped arm him back in the day? And isn't there photographic evidence of a much younger Rumsfeld meeting with him? Or maybe the Dems photo-shopped that photo.

Whether Saddam rots in prison or swings from a rope, what't the difference in terms of the level of success of the new Iraqi govt? Which is what this is all supposed to be about, last time I checked? And what statements from Dean and Teddy lead you to your hyperbolic anti-American government rants? [Lest we forget, the Dems now control the legislature, and your tirade sounds downright "treasonous" to my ear!]

At 8:55 PM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

Why don't you anonymous people leave your names? Hell, just make something up.

To the "new anonymous": My blog was before the election but you seem to be somehow trying to make a connection between my post and the fact that America "has spoken".

Anyhow.. both Uncle Teddy and Cousin Howard have both declared that Iraq was "better off under Saddam Hussein" but I'm sure that is something that you probably agree with since you are so quick to defend those whose only love is power and not our country.

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you'll have a hard time convincing me that Iraq is a better functioning state in November 2006 than it was in, say, March 2002. And I think, if we're being intellectually honest, that it's pretty clear such comments by Dems point to the futility of our trying to build a new state rather than longing for the salad days when Saddam's regime ruled.

As for the next two years vis a vis Iraq, I expect the Dem Congress will continue to fully fund the Iraq war and let the men in uniform run the show to the best of their ability...and will use their subpoena power to get to the bottom of the bunk WMD intel, the failure to implement fully the 9/11 Commission's plan, etc.

They'd be fools to underfund the war and give W and Co. an excuse for the cluster-F that is likely to continue for another couple years.

As for love of country, I don't follow. W himself has just said that he agrees that Dems and GOP love their country equally.

At 7:45 AM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

"As for love of country, I don't follow. W himself has just said that he agrees that Dems and GOP love their country equally."

I couldn't care less what 'W' says.

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think that the Dems somehow love America less than Libertarians and/or the GOP?

I sure hope not. Look, I think the GOP's policies are wacked. I do, however, think that both parties "love" their counrty, but simply have divergent ideas about how to make our great land better. I think the GOP's policies are wrongheaded, but well-intended. I would hope that a GOPer or libertarian would look on the Democrats similarly.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

GOP policies are 'whacked' because the current GOP leaders are trying to be moderates and please both sides of the aisle. Regan-conservative policies should always be the policies of the GOP but McCain-style pseudo-Republicans manage to get elected and put our party into a tailspin periodically.

Don't overlook the fact that many convservative Democrats just won election to Congress. The election results were not a mandate against conservatism.


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