Monday, November 20, 2006

Dems Loathe the Military but Love the Draft

Why didn't he make this the centerpiece of his campaign so the folks in Harlem would know for whom they were voting?

Rangel Wants a Draft

I love these comments by his constituents:

"What, he was smoking pot or something?" said 58-year-old James Brown.

"He doesn't represent the people of Harlem if he's for the draft," Neil Davis, 48, said.

As usual, Democrats will lie and withhold their true intentions just to get elected. It's all about power.


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't a new idea that he whipped out after the election. He floated this during the run-up to Iraq, and again 2 years ago. If the quoted constituents don't know what their elected official is about, that's their fault, not his.

Now if you argued that this is all a political stunt meant to embarrass the GOP/neocons, I think that such an argument would hold water. While I do think that he's sincere, he knows full well that it's a non-starter of an issue and in that respect it is simple posturing.

And I'll assume you're being facetious in implying that popping up with new agenda items post-election is a Dem-only move. Rumsfeld's dismissal [timely? untimely?] is Exhibit A, by the way.


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