Saturday, November 25, 2006

Where's the Cash?

Regarding Michael Richards and his "racist outburst"...

The quickest way to have people turn against you is to put on a victim cap, hire Gloria Allred, and seek monetary compensation.

Kramer, We Want Some Money!

While his behavior is definitely socially unacceptable, using the word "nigger" is not against the law. However, it's become the norm for liberal activists like Ms Allred to attempt to punish and sanction those with whom they disagree. They will defend the right of some to dip a crucifix in urine, snap a photo, and call it art but then pull out all the stops in an attempt to punish someone for exercising their first amendment freedoms.

"It's not enough to say 'I'm sorry,'" she said.

According to whom? What law was broken here?

"Our clients were vulnerable," Allred said. "He went after them. He singled them out and he taunted them, and he did it in a closed room where they were captive."

Oh please. I'm not sure what's more sickening: Mr. Richards outburst or this pathetic attempt to portrary her clients as helpless victims. I certainly don't condone the comments made by Mr. Richards, but sometimes in a free country you may hear speech that you find offensive. Simply walk away or turn it off. Just don't ask someone to pay you for it.


At 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah they wanted the apology in person to their faces.. lol if not, a lawsuit.


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