Monday, May 02, 2005

My Shoulder Hurts..

.. and it has been hurting for over a month. Sometimes, it is much more than just my shoulder. My entire arm and elbow will get tingly and numb.

I think that it has something to do with sitting at a keyboard too much and resting my elbow incorrectly. Unfortunately, it has really limited quality gym-time. I still go several times a week, but I have been limited to most cardio.

I cannot remember injuring my shoulder, so I can only assume it is some sort of "office" injury. I also have this weird issue with my arm falling asleep at night. It's really bad. At least once a week, I wake up and my entire arm feels totally dead. I have to lift it with my right hand and flop it around for a good five minutes.

I have been at the office everyday for at about 3 weeks now. It is beginning to seem normal to work on Saturday and Sunday. Hell, what else do I have to do? What is it that people do on the weekends anyway? Do all these people have hobbies or do they just lay around all weekend? I used to play guitar but it now goes mostly untouched except for the occasional song for Jaclyn.

I need to make some changes..


At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, honey. I too have been busy. I keep telling myself to hang on, that things will ease up after May ... when grading papers for school is done for me and preparing for the conference is over for you. That's no excuse, however, to not find a minute or two to relax and have a good time and, more importantly, do something about your shoulder.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I TOTALLY get that. My right arm just dies for random reasons. Sometimes if I just lean on it a bit it gets tingly/painful.


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