Wednesday, April 20, 2005

More Karaoke Madness

Where are my manners? I simply forgot to mention that we shared another night of top-notch karaoke action last Saturday at Durty Nellys. In attendance were Jaclyn, Good Doug, Chi, Jaclyn's teacher-friend Jamie and her husband Chad (and yours truly of course). Notable absences were Lori and Shannon. Lori was participating in a night dive (she's a scuba diver) and Shannon is still MIA.

Once again we had premium seats near the front so not one single sour note could be missed. In true rebel fashion, I brought my own flask with me to avoid the high cost of restaurant Jack and Coke. The thrill of sneakily pulling the flask from my pocket (or Jac's purse) and pouring a little bit of "Grandma's Medicine" into my soda while the waitress was not looking was such a high that I did not even need to drink it.

Adding to the excitement were the heavily intoxicated rugby boys at the table behind us. Luckily they sang a few drunken numbers that noone enjoyed but themselves, and then hit the road. Do women find these types of manly men attractive?

To make the evening complete, we were treated to one of Chi's special, three-martini, chair dances. :-)

Life.. live it.


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps one of these days we can try joke-e-oke. I just read about it in the paper the other day. Check it out:,1412,66964,00.html.

At 10:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. Part of the link was missing:

When in doubt, go to and type in "joke-e-oke" in the Search field.


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