Thursday, April 28, 2005

Who WAS That Naked Man?

Sometimes it rains in southern California. When it does, I prefer that my wooden patio furniture is moved out of the rain.

Before you accuse me of being overly anal, I do not bring the table and chairs inside but pull them closer to the door away from the edge of the patio. Even though my patio is covered, it still manages to get nice and wet when it rains.

Twice in the past five days, I have gone to bed only to be woken by the sound of pouring rain around 4:00 AM. When this happens, I try to just turn over and go back to sleep. These past two times however, my mind has wandered to my patio furniture.

Just like the episode of Andy Griffith when Opey is worried about "those dogs out in that field" when a thunderstorm creeps up, I too am concerned about my getting-wetter-by-the-second outdoor furnishings.

What's a man to do? I cannot just let my $50 Ikea table get soaked, so I get out of bed and go outside to move it out of the rain. In my middle-of-the-night frame of mind, it makes perfect sense to me to walk out there just as I am: naked. Who is up and outside at 4:00 AM anyway? Luckily for me, noone.

So, if you are driving around in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, cruise on over to Newport Landing. There's a good chance it might be raining more than cats and dogs. It might be raining men!



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