Thursday, April 14, 2005

Interesting Study

This evening, I was numbing my mind with Brian Williams and NBC Nightly News while on the cross-trainer at the gym.

An "interesting" study was mentioned regarding the small percentage of non-white, non-hispanic (i.e. African American or 'black') minority players in Major League baseball. This seemed to be a major cause for concern among some in the black community.

Is anyone in the white community concerned over the small percentage of white players in the NBA? Or the shrinking number of white players in the NFL?

Why are these kinds of 'studies' still necessary? Will we forever be programmed to try to find racism (or a problem) in every aspect of American culture?

Perhaps the "inner city youth" mentioned in the story just do not like baseball (and who can blame them). Is it possible THAT is why they are not chomping at the bit to play the game? One would think that it is easier to fasten a hoop to a pole on the side of the street than find an open space to hit a baseball... in the "inner city".

I would like for NBC Nightly News to focus on the real problems that face the inner-city youth: illegitimacy and the breakdown of the two-parent family. Don't hold your breath waiting for that one.


At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right on there. No one is looking at the real problem. There are bigger issues out there.

Case in point: filipinos. No one even stops to think about the filipinos. Why aren't there more filipinos in basketball? No one seems to be even thinking about that. Something's gone awry here.


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