Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My Little Yellow Man

When I was a kid (4-6 years old), I used to carry around a little, yellow man in my pocket everywhere I went. Now that you are asking yourself "what the hell is he talking about", I will attempt to explain (a web search proved futile in finding an image).

I used to enjoy playing with the bags of Army men when I was a little boy (as did most other young boys that I knew). Some of the bags (I do not remember which brand) included a little plastic jeep with a driver. The driver of the jeep was not like the other molded soliders though. He was a seated, little, yellow man. He did not bend.. he did not smile.. he just sat there in his little molded way.

For some reason, I became attached to this thing and could not go anywhere without it. If my Mom had a nickel for everytime she heard me yell "Mama! Where's my little yellow man?" she would be a rich lady.

I believe I lost my little, yellow man from time to time but it always reappeared. To this day I still wonder if my Mom kept a stash of those somewhere in a box so my fixation could always be replinished when necessary.

Maybe I need a little, yellow man to carry around in my pocket these days. Perhaps the secret of success lies within the molded plastic of the little, yellow man.


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn it. I wish you could have found a picture of it. I would have really liked to have seen what it looked like, though I do get the idea.

I like the fact that you wonder if your mom had a stockpile of these guys. I can see her going to those lengths. Your mother is a wonderfully sweet lady.

I wonder if the fact that he was different and unique was why you were so attracted to him in the first place. Moreover, unlike some of the "other" army men, the little, yellow man probably also had a distinct purpose and that was certainly clear by his molded seated position.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had a little yellow man, I'd give it to you.

I wish I had a whole bag of them, that way you'd always have one in your pocket.


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