Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I've Got Wood

My new wood for my floor arrived today. Actually, I went to Yellow Freight to pick it up. In either case, it's here! It will be installed next weekend and then I will be tapping my pretty toes across Brazilian Hickory Sesame.

My condo has really changed since November: new cabinets, granite counter, smooth ceilings and now new, wood flooring. No more old and ugly "grandma's trailer" like before. When everything is complete I should host a detailed picture gallery.

Unfortunately, the only part I really did myself was the counter tops. It was my first project of this kind and it turned out rather well. Of course, I can see all little mistakes. My neighbor told me that the key is to never point our your mistakes to others. Just tell them that you did it yourself, you know there are a few mistakes, but you saved a lot of money and learned something. I would have liked to try installing the floors myself but I am just too busy with work. A home remodel project really consumes you and I can only afford to be consumed with Roundtable right now.

The new Ryan Adams CD came out today. It's really good. It's been streaming online from his web site for about a week so I am very familar with the songs at this point. It's too bad that it doesn't seem like he can stay sober long enough to put on a decent show (from the reviews I have read). I highly recommend this CD to anyone who likes real music.

Ok, I need to think about shell scripts now.

Dig it.


At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The condo has improved quite a bit and not just the kitchen counters, floors, and ceiling, but a whole slew of many other "little" things that put together seem to make quite a bit difference. It's really coming along. I am proud of you. Change is not easy, or cheap!

I poked over to the Ryan Adams link. The only song that is not available for preview was exactly the one that I wanted to hear: "If I Am a Stranger." Luckily, you sang that one to me live the other night. :-)


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