Friday, March 18, 2005

More funny stuff..

According to the latest CNN web site poll, 81% of participants believe that Congress should NOT get involved in the legal battle over the intended killing of Terry Schiavo:

Was it appropriate for Congress to get involved in the legal battle over a brain-damaged Florida woman?

Yes 19% 11411 votes
No 81% 47379 votes
Total: 58790 votes

I wonder if you poll this same group, would they also agree that Congress and/or the Federal Government have no business being involved in education, welfare, and healthcare? Somehow I think not.

It seems that many liberals are opposed to war and the killing of "innocent Iraqis", but when it comes to unborn children or brain-dead Americans, they are the first in line to endorse the blood-bath.

Hypocritcal and illogical... just like all of their positions.


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