Sunday, March 13, 2005

More from the Karaoke King..

Ok.. I should provide better detail on Friday night's festivities for those who were not lucky enough to attend.

Jaclyn and I joined Shannon, her "friend" Sean, and Chi for a night of fish-n-chips, adult-beverages, and karaoke at Durty Nelly's. Shannon had gotten there early enough to grab premium seats so we were in good spirits knowing we would be that close to the top-notch karaoke action we have come to expect from this local Irish watering-hole.

As we finished off dinner, "Kevin, the 70's Guy" rolled up into the parking and began unloading his equipment. The excitement was palpable as we began to flip through the songbooks, each nervously seeking out the one number that would showcase his or her individual vocal talent in all it's glory. Adding to our heightened anticipation was the fact that we were there early and would get our song picks in near the top of the order. The bottom-line is this: Durty Nelly's would know immediately that karaoke is our business and business is indeed good.

For my opening number, I choose "Play That Funky Music" to be followed by "Kiss You All Over" later in the evening. Shannon chose "Let 'er Rip" (?) by the Dixie Chicks. A little bit of a deviation from Shannon's ususal style but we all knew that she would deliver.

Kevin (the 70's guy) got the evening started with a funny little song... maybe it was a Weird Al tune as Kevin (the 70's guy) looks a lot like the witty artist. After the first four performers nearly put us to sleep, my name was called. I confidently took the microphone, walked to the stage and gazed upon the masses who were there to hear the finest karaoke talent the southland had to offer. I was in my element. I was the Karaoke King and, by God, I was determined to deliver.

As the song started and that familar guitar riff flowed from the speakers, the patrons of this two-star dining establishment came out of the karaoke induced coma that were forced into by the first few contestants and turned towards the stage to pay homage to the booty-slapping, toe-tapping royalty now gracing the stage. I was in an element in which I had never been. I could do no wrong. Even the geriatric crowd simply out for a night of innoncent fun were awe-struck by the sight of this country-boy from Mississippi giving them all he had plus a little more.

When the song finished, the crowd rose to it's feet in appreciation. The roar was deafening. If the world had ended at that moment, they wouldn't care. However incomplete their lives may have been up to this point no longer mattered. My fellow citizens had come there to be entertained and yes, entertained they were.

Stay tuned...


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