Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Airport Security

I dropped Jaclyn off at the airport this afternoon (Aren't I sweet? It's not even the beginning of the relationship and I am taking her to the airport). She called me a few moments later asking me to turn around and rescue her Swiss Army knife keychain to prevent it from being confiscated. On previous flights, she had forgotten to remove it from her purse and ended up having to surrender the deadly weapon to the airport screener (twice). This time she remembered before she got in line, so I happily turned my little Mazda3 around to swing by and grab it.

Let's think about this though.. this is a KEYCHAIN! It's 1.5 inches long with an even smaller blade. I think it's intended purpose is for cleaning your finger nails or knifing your way through a tablespoon of half-melted butter.

In the meantime, illegal Mexicans (and God knows who else) are pouring over the border in droves and we (Cow-wee-fornians) want to award them with a driver's license. But at the airport, those fools want to take my sweet, little girlfriend's keychain. What do they do with all this 'stuff' anyway? You can't get it back.. do they take it home to their children? Give them as gifts?

Like many things in this country, it's a crock. Unfortunately, there's not a damn thing we can do about it. We're all criminals here. You gotta love it.


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I've been there and done that. Once at John Wayne airport, where I was lucky enough to be able to run over to lost and found and ask them to hang onto it for me. The other time was at "Abbotsford International Airport" (I just get a kick out of saying that), where I turned around from the security check in (leaving my baffled mom and sister behind), and ran over to the airline ticket counter and begged them to leave it in a file for me. These days, "put sharp stuff into checked luggage" is on my pre-trip checklist.

Now, on the subject of getting a California drivers license, here's a new one for you to worry about. We renewed our California drivers licenses just before leaving the country. There was a real question of whether we were supposed to receive a drivers license or not, since our work visas were running out. While some discussion was going on amongst the officials, Judy and I flipped through their rule book that they had left on the counter. On one of the back pages was the list of things that entitled you to a California driver's license: US citizenship, green card, a few other things, and finally: Canadian citizenship. Yup, it's true, it was there in black and white. We couldn't believe it any more than they could. Needless to say, we received our fresh newly updated California drivers licenses.

A few years later, we renewed them by mail. Even though we were living in the UK at the time. Or was it Australia? Malta? Damned if I remember.

Don't worry about the Mexicans. Watch out for us Canadians. We're a tricky bunch.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

Damn wily Canadians... I'll keep my eye on them. Now I have a better idea who pushed my bike (with me on it!) into the swamp that time.

I'll be watching you John Green.. that IS your name isn't it? :-)


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