Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Salt Creek Grille

Last evening, Jaclyn and I joined our friends Lori, Doug, Chi and Daniel at The Salt Creek Grille to celebrate Chi's birthday. A good time was had by all, but as usualy there a few noteworthy items to point out.

1. The group at the table next to us brought an infant with them. Usually, I would not expect to see an infant at a restaurant like this at 9:00pm on a Saturday night, but I can live with it (I guess). To keep the infant "entertained" the parents had brought a portable DVD player and had it sitting on the table blasting some kind of Sesame Street/Elmo movie. Lovely. Just what I want to see and hear while I am sucking down my $6 dollar (that's the cheapest they had) scotch. From now on, I'll call a laptop with me so I can blog at the dinner table.

2. The "up-charge". Jaclyn did not want the fries with her burger. Instead, she wanted a small side salad. They were happy to oblige as long as we paid the $4 "up-charge" for the salad. I don't mind the price as much as the fact they called it an "up-charge". How about calling it the "we-are-an-overpriced-restaurant-so-kiss-my-ass" charge? At least I'd get an laugh out of that. A $4 laugh? Probably not. But a laugh nonetheless.

3. Complimentary valet. Why have a valet service when the parking lot is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE RESTAURANT!? As we were leaving, Lori waited patiently for the valet to retrieve her car... which was parked in the very first spot... five feet from where she stood.

Ok, I'm done griping. I apologize for the boring post. My creative jucies just aren't flowing and I am hungry and hot.


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