Thursday, March 10, 2005

In a future age..

Yes, yours truly has lept into the 21 century with my condo under my arm. My home is now gloriously adorned with whisper-white, smooooooth ceilings. No more dirty-looking popcorn/cottage-cheese/whatever-you-want-to-call-them ceilings. Chang (of Chang's Ceilings) and crew did quite an amazing job. This is one of those jobs that one should NEVER consider doing on their own. I've seen what it takes to do the job properly and I don't think it belongs on any man's 'honey-do' list.

Of course, I must mention one very stupid thing I did. To help alleviate the smell of the fresh paint, I decided to turn my ceiling fan on. I flicked the swich and nothing happened... I pulled the chain and nothing happened. At this point, I figured that Chang had taken down the ceiling fan to make working around it easier and had done a bad job with the reinstallation. So I swear for 5 minutes or so, and then get out my ladder and screwdriver. I disconnect the ceiling fan, check all the wiring and put it back in place. Still, it does not work. Damn, damn, damn. WHAT DID HE DO TO MY CEILING FAN?! I was soooo angry... like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli. And then I noticed it. You know the little switch on the side that controls the direction of the spin? It was neither up nor down but somewhere in between. I move the switch and like magic, the ceiling fan works again. :-)

Afterwards Jaclyn came over and we enjoyed pizza, cheap wine and two episodes of 'Sluts' in the City. All the while feeling the comfort and protection of my new ceiling hovering over us like a guardian angel.


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