Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Governantor Seeks Aid


I Vant Money Now!

What is with this guy? Do others really subscribe to the theory that there should be no risks in life... that everything should guaranteed.. that being bailed out by American taxpayer is a Constituational right?


At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been waiting all this time to read about freakin' citrus? Where are your typically tiny-minded entries concerning race relations, foreign policy, politics, et al??? Hurry, I'm holding my breath!

At 10:28 PM, Blogger TinyElvis said...

Yes, tiny-minded. That's me. You've got me pegged.

I wish I were someone more educated.. someone.. more enlighted.. someone who posted anonymously on blogs. Unfortunately, only a broad-minded, aristocrat such as yourself could ever be so cunning.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This website gives me the option to post anonymously. If that bothers you so much, switch to a site that allows you to filter out anonymous posts. But wouldn't that run contrary to your alleged "republatarian" leanings?


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