Monday, August 14, 2006

Am I Simply Getting Old?

I have very little patience for those who seemingly couldn't care less for those in their surroundings. Lately however, my fuse seems to be getting shorter. Oh I'm not flying off the handle or anything, but on the inside I fume when I encounter behavior or situations that are completely devoid of conscientiousness. Even as I type this, a couple is standing in the parking lot below my window flapping their gums about nothing in particular. Why must they stand under MY window? If they must stand outside to converse, why can't they find their own window to park their asses in front of?

Whether it's litter carelessly tossed into the street or some clown driving through the parking lot with his radio too loud, my thoughts cannot help but drift to that of tying the culprit up and dragging them across miles of broken glass. Ok, maybe that is a little extreme but I'm sure you get my point.

These things used to not bother me as much. But as I am getting older, I find myself expecting more from mankind.

Expecting more from mankind? Boy, that sounds like a formula for misery and high blood-pressure.


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Darrell C said...

I agree. I think if we expect more from just mankind itself, we are setting ourselves up for more disappointment and even higher blood pressure.

As for the people outside your office window. If they are that loud, call the local police department in regards to a noise complaint. Heh,heh..

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"on the inside I fume"
I have heard that called "stewing in your own juices" i.e. hurting yourself.(misery, high bp, etc.)

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, these little things bother me the most when there's a bigger issue at hand, an issue that I have little to no control over.

When small things happen at that point -- small things that I also have little to no control over -- I go over the edge. I find myself screaming at the top of lungs for being cut off or for someone driving too slow or for someone talking too loud.

At that point, I have to ask myself: "Is that is what is really bothering me, especially to get this mad?" Usually the answer is "no."

This brings to mind the saying, "The straw that broke the camel's back." It could not have been the straw. How can a straw break a camel's back? But, if it wasn't, then what was it? I ask myself this. You must ask yourself this too.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Regular Jeff said...

you are getting old.


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