Thursday, August 31, 2006

Video Music Awards

I was doing a little channel surfing earlier this evening and noticed that the Video Music Awards were on MTV. I'm not quite sure what that even means. I haven't seen a video on MTV in ages so to which videos are they giving awards?

In any case, the few minutes that I saw were littered with pop icons whose identities were unknown to this author. At the risk of sounding like an incredibly old, Chevrolet seat-cover fart, I must confess that I don't know what "kids these days" are listening to. My parents couldn't stand the loud, screaming, metal that I enjoyed as a teenager but at least there were musicians playing instruments. All I saw and heard this evening was electronic beats, questionable vocal talents, and choreographed dance movements.

What saddens me even more is the fact that there is so much true talent in this country struggling on the road to eek out some meager living as a professional musician while some fool like "Diddy" gets a standing ovation when he walks on to the stage. Beyonce? Please.

If you want to see the real video of the year, then ladies and gentlemen.. I give you.. Neko Case.


At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh?...that's probably the most pretentious video I've ever seen. If you want to behold true video glory, paste this into your browser... . I'll take 24 straight hours of Apache over one viewing of whatever it was you recommended.

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh anonymous, play nice. It's a fun video. What's more important, however, are Neko Case's vocals, which are quite nice.

To your credit, though, the Apache video was quite fun. The mustache alone on that lead singer is enough to keep me cracking up for days.

Side note: What's up with all of the multiple anonymous' on this blog? One could use the Other radion selection button when leaving a comment to select a name for him or herself. The web page field that is part of that is optional too. Just a thought.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"electronic beats, questionable vocal talents"

No need to rip on Wilco.


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