Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Insightful Late Night Observations

It's getting late and I cannot sleep. I am in Nashua NH on business and doing time at the local Holiday Inn (at least the internet access is free). I have always found it odd that the less expensive the hotel, the more "extras" you are afforded at no charge. At Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, I shelled out $300 per night and paid for internet access, breakfast, parking, phone usage, etc. Contrast that with my stay at a Holiday Inn Express in Washington state. The charge was $60 per night included free internet access, a real breakfast and an evening "cookie hour". What can beat that?

So here in Nashua, we have a happy medium: cheap breakfast and free internet access. I guess you can't have everything.


At 6:41 AM, Blogger Darrell C said...

What kind of Cookies?

Chocolate Chip or Peanut Butter?


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