Sunday, April 10, 2005

The Pain In My Head

Ughh. My head has been hurting since yesterday morning... one of those stiff-neck, everything-feels-real-tight kind of headaches.

The good news is that I believe I have finally chosen a hardwood for my floor project. Hopefully, the installer will give me a reasonable quote so we can get this thing underway. I feel like I should be doing it myself but my "real job" is just consuming too much of my time and I need nothing else to worry about at this moment.

After this, it will be time to pick out some new carpet. At that point, I can kick back and say that the remodeling is OVER (well, for now). I'm sure I'll get sick of the bathroom tile soon. Maybe I'll move before it gets to me.

I should post some before and after pictures when everything is done. The change has been quite drastic. Instead of "Grandma's trailer" (Jac's words - not mine), I am getting closer to my sleek, contemporty, swinging bachelor-lounge dream (ok, not a dream but it sounded good).

Side-note: remember that episode of Andy Griffith where Howard Sprague moves into his mom's house after she re-marries and he redecorates it to fit his pseudo-hip-bachelor lifestyle? That's how I feel, only cooler. BTW, it's episode #246 - "The Wedding" if you are interested.

Last night Jaclyn and I enjoyed some wonderful sushi (and a trendy atmosphere) at Mari Sushi in Costa Mesa (corner of Harbor and Adams). Afterwards, we enjoyed fine wine and good conversation with Chi and at her fashionable Laguna Beach apartment.

I should get to work.. real-life calls.


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