Thursday, June 02, 2005

There Are No Good Democrats

Today, a Democrat co-worker made the following comment about someone because they discovered that this someone was a Republican. Now bear in mind that when this person's political leanings were not not known, the Democrat had nothing but good things to say about the aforementioned Republican.

"(insert name here) is a Republican? Well, bless his pointy head."

Pulling from my limited knowledge pool of linguistics and general discourse, I consider the previous adjective as one of disparaging nature.

The 4 common traits of every (no)good Democrat:

1. A Democrat never passes up on a opportunity to tell you what they think.
2. A Democrat is one of the most closed-minded persons you will ever meet.
3. A Democrat will hurl insults at Republicans just because they are Republicans.
4. A Democrat is only happy when everyone else is miserable.

I am not much of fan of the Republican party either. Republicans have moved so far to the left of center that I would think the Dems would be throwing a (grand 'ol) party. Instead, the Dems keep moving even further and further to the left just to maintain that consistent level of separation. In the meantime, us Republitarians are left without a voice except our own.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Mauser*Girl said...

Heh. ;) I think people should avoid the subjects of politics and religion altogether at their work place, and just mind their own business... But yeah, I agree with your assessment of Dem's. If things go their way when a Republican's the president, then it's "beause of the past years a Democrat was in the White House." If things don't go their way, it's the Republicans' fault.


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